Friday, November 20, 2015

Relationship Advice

A man's greatest fear in life is cash while women greatest weakness is love...
Men may kill for money, women may die for love. A man without money will think he's cursed. No matter what a woman has in life, without love, it's not enough. When a woman finds true love she finds her joy. She will take unbelievable risks in the name of love. A woman in love is more powerful, reliable, faithful and loyal than hundreds of guards.
When a woman is in love, she may assume black to be white...
Any woman that has never been blindly in love has never fallen in love. Relationship is one thing that makes most women unhappy in life until they find the right one. A woman can be anything she wants to be in life, but when it comes to her emotion, her weakness shows forth.
She was told when growing up that a good character is the easiest way to get a man of her dream. She follows the advice but still ends up marrying a beast. Her life was put on hold in the name of love. She stayed in a relationship for 7yrs with a person who has no plan for her...
She was doing everything to make him happy and then again,the man thinks she's weak and desperate so he took advantage of her. Her age and family pressure gets her worried all the time. Everybody thinks something is wrong with her. Her situation makes her believe maybe they are right. The most painful thing about love is to fall in love with a person who has another thing entirely in mind...
To see him as your everything while deep inside him you are nothing to him. A woman in love is like a drunk person. She only realises the damage after the hangover when her eyes are cleared. Love is the only battle that women can't fight and win. Just when she says she's done with love ,she falls in love again. Love is a thing of the heart. It is hard for a heartless person to fall in love. Inside the heart of every heartbroken and divorced woman is an untold stories of agonies and pains. A broken promise, a shattered dream, a betrayed trust, a wasted time.
An unseen painful tears for raising the kids alone.
Her heart bleeds when she remembers the once sweet husband who has turned to a beast. It is easier for men to move quickly after divorce. But its really hard for a woman especially with kids. Most people are very quick to judge and condemn a single and divorced woman without knowing the pain she's gone through in life.
If a man marries many times he will be seen as a STAR but when a woman re marries,she will be called a SLUT. If she's free, she's loose and if she minds her own business they call her a snub.
If she's kind, people will say she's weak but when she becomes wise people call her a bitch.
Never blame her if you don't know what she's been through in life. If you haven't walked in her shoes don't run your mouth.
Dear readers, Never allow the mistakes of yesterday put your life on hold. Don't live your life in pains because your marriage doesn't work. Never allow anyone look down on you because you're still single or divorced. Anyone who has never walked in your shoes has no rights to judge you in life.
Most things that give way for divorce don't happen overnight but women overlook many things when they fall in love. Never go into a new relationship until you fully understand why the last one failed. A man that couldn't love your kids is not in love with you. A man that wins your love with money alone may not stay for long. A man that tells you pathetic stories about his ex wife will do more about you. A man that is control freak will make your life miserable. A man that feels like he's doing you a favour by dating you can mess up your life. A temperamental man that shouts on you might end up slapping you and beat the hell out you when you get married to him.
Never start a new relationship without praying to GOD and don't ever use prayer where action is required.

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